Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Some reaction to Kerry/Edwards

Some reaction to Kerry/Edwards

Just got the news: WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!

This is the best news I've heard in a looooong time. GO JOHNS!!! Woohoo!


Let the games begin... I'm sorry this is too funny, and I think it really speaks to how scared BC04 is.


LOVIN' IT!! :-)


.....and I like the timing too, on Dubya's birthday.


One of the top trial lawyers in the country going up against Mr. Eff Yourself? Pass. The. Popcorn!

Dick Cheney, meet the Peter Principle.


It's enough to make me weep with relief.

It is on.

One of those smirking pricks on CNN was crowing about how Edwards was the son of a mill supervisor, so that's actually a step up from being the son of a textile worker. They must have had that meme pre-written.


Excellent choice!!! Bravo! This is an excellent ticket that will give Rove nightmares!


"(GOP is now predicting a 15 point bounce post convention) "

bwahahahaha...I love the smell of desperation in the morning.
