- Freewheeling 'bloggers' are rewriting rules of journalism: "an 'idea farm' for the established media."
Political consultants, pundits, political columnists, political satirists, merlins, advisors, saints, prophets, pampleteers, and mudslingers alike are inhabiting and enlivening the journalistic forebrain... once a domain held by paid apologists and other sell-outs.
Not so anymore!
Bloggers have carpayed the blogospheric diem, and the brain-drain from traditional media organs is all but complete.
Just look at the current state of radio to catch a glimpse of how bad the situation has become in the Old Order.
Well...they dropped the ball. They became a bunch of lame Jayson Blairs, only lacking his boldness, though sharing his acceptance of lies for money.
Bloggers rarely get paid. We write because we love to write, and/or desire to be responsible stewards and expose what is well as what is
This has vitality, urgency, elan. With no boss breathing down your neck, and censors ringing their bells of disapproval, the blogger gets to be a grown-up, lacking a whip or money to motivate her or him.
Long live free expression!
May the communication revolution continue to evolve democracy like edict never could.