- BUSH 2000: "I am a uniter"
- 2004: America is more divided than it has ever been.
Is Bush a uniter? If he is (to paraphrase Patch Adams) ... he sucks at it. America is more divided now than it has ever been. Well, back to Adam, anyway. No, Bush is no uniter. Nor is Rush, O'Reilly, Falwell, or Big Media, all of whom profit from dividing people.
But a President is successful to the extent that he unites
all people. At least all Americans. A more perfect
Not a more perfect
wartime, this
union is the most important thing a President should facilitate. By being divided, America is rendered less safe. And those that promote divisive issues -- such as can be witnessed, without fail, exhibit A, on FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, as well as MSNBC, CNBC, and even the major networks -- serve to weaken America. And it may be time to "just say no", and change the channel.
To win true peace, it may be wiser to seek guidance in time-tested books of wisdom, and not expect it to come from overpaid and overblown dropouts like Rush Limbaugh, or overpaid posers like Ted Koppel; to seek peace, itself, in music, art, conversation, literature...because angry people often make bad decisions. And anger is the by-product of
We need to calmly vote for a world of unity, a united...United States, and send these forces of division packing. We need to
be the peace we would wish upon the world. And all this anger, all these attempts to divide people, are enemies of peace.
George Bush tarred himself the "War President". And
war is
hell. Why not dub himself the "Hell President"? Americans and the people of the world prefer Heaven to Hell. God to Satan. We are heading in the wrong direction. Downward. Where fires rage, shock AND awe abound. Fear beyond fear. People die cruel, violent and obscene deaths.
This is not Heaven, folks. And it is only going to get worse, if we don't change directions... and George W. Bush has promised to
"stay the course".
If God is on any side, she is on the side of Peace.
God's sake, show with your vote that you disapprove of all the killing and misery and division this Bush Administration has fostered.
And for the sake of the
world, show them that we do not approve of our leader, or in this case,
misleader, holding a gun to your heads. Americans have more respect for others than that.
We want to interact with the world, not isolate it.
We want to travel, not paint ourselves into a corner.
We want to be able to help others when we can, and receive help when we need it, not threaten others when we can, and receive threats...even if the American People don't deserve it.
We don't deserve it. We deserve better.
Vote for Hope over Fear, Unity over Division.
Vote John-John in November, and help us heal the wounds, divisions, and friendships old and new.
We are all Americans. Not just customers and division monkeys.
And we
can be
We were united after 9/11. We rallied around the President...
because that is what we do!
In fact the whole world rallied around us.
But what did Bush do with all this unity? All this goodwill?
And experience shows that he would probably do it again.
The world no longer trusts him. And why should they?
They were slapped in the face....made targets and called "Old Europe".
Can we afford to rally around a man who doesn't know how to use goodwill...who will take our support and spit it back at us?
We simply cannot. And let us pray that such a convenient event for political gain does not perch its evil claws on our soil.
There is hope beyond fear.
As the biblical John said: "Perfect Love casteth out all Fear".
Thank you very much.
[From an address given by Anonymoses Hyperlincoln at the Hyperlincoln Institute for Serious Living, on August 1, 2004.]