From THE DAVINCI CODE by Dan Brown...
"Langdon took her soft palm in his and felt himself momentarily fixed in her stronggaze. Her eyes were olive-green, incisive and clear."
"Sophie's olive gaze was keen."
"The docent recoiled, a look of bewilderment in his olive-green eyes." Dan Brown saying that the
desposyni, or descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, have olive-green eyes? Just asking?
Dan Brown implies that the Plantard and St.Clair family are the only descendants of the Merovingians. But later in the book, he says they are the most prominent. Which is it?
And...the Merovingians were not the only descendants of Jesus et Maria. They are the descendants of Merovech. But between Merovech and Jesus, there were others who also had prolific offspring...Pharamond's son, Fredemundus, comes to mind, as he was quite fertile.
[Talk amongst yourselves]