A Mindless Waste of Time by ANONYMOSES There is no intellection to be found issuing forth from the pen of those risible fellers you indicted. And over the months and years, as their selectman drives the US further and further down the toilet, they only get worse. And there are many like them. Just read some of my recent posts, and the ludibund reactions they splathered across a few weak sentences.
A child's sandbox will grant you more thought than what these slabberdegullions upchuck on an hourly basis.
But they are not only unintelligent...they are morally bankrupt, mean-spirited, misogynistic, greed-driven egocentric teens and teen wannabees. Oh yes, and a few overgrown bullies, misanthropes, chawbacons, peckerwoods, biker babes, trailor queens, and paid apologists.
You will never get a simple statement out of them. Rather it will nearly always be emotionally-charged reactionary namecalling, or, if it is an actual idea...it will not be original, but simply a manufactured response straight from the factory.
Granted, there are a few who don't fall into this trap and category, but by and large their angry reactions are entirely predictable, and thus, as I said, a waste of time. You may as well go ahead and write your own responses...you know what they are going to be.
In a nutshell, their strategy, if it could be called that, is to paint you as "the enemy" and thus expendable...even at their own hands. And as they are fearful of fighting mano a mano, they are armed to the teeth...as if fear were in our vocabulary. Great projectors they are!
But test them, if you don't believe me. Try to get them to create an original idea which spans paragraphs.
It can't be done.
For them it is enough to react quickly and preferably with insults and usually a bastardization of your screen name...ala the fat man's messiah, Rush Limbaugh.
But mostly it is just high-fiving and drunken belches. You've seen 'em in taverns and on the side of the road begging for drinkmoney. Or locked away by their husbands in places safe from temptation. Some are in sports bars, high-fiving each other, while turning their brains into cheap liquid. Native-Americans would never confuse them for "humans". Best to steer clear, unless you want to be sold a bag of chintz.
The fact that they openly abhor philosophy and wisdom ought to tell you something. They wouldn't know it if it smacked them in the face. How can they share it with you?
They bring nothing to the party but empty attitude, and the ability to react reprehensibly.
Hope this clears up the matter.
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