Monday, August 02, 2004

Don't accept their gift of anger

"If someone offers you a gift, and you don't accept whom does it belong? Don't accept their gift of anger."

In the movie, "Merlin", it is discovered that the only way to take away the power from the evil queen Mab is to turn your back on her. Ignore her. Refuse her "gifts".
It may be time to apply the same principles to the hate-mongering bloviators who are constantly angering, or "firing up", their listeners and viewers with rhetoric designed to create divisions and hatred.

I used to listen to these bearers of trojan horses, but invariably, the hatred would seep out, and I would find myself drowning in horseshit. Not a beautiful world. Not a world I care to support.

Remember the words of Barack Obama. We are the united States, and if anyone wants to gift you otherwise...don't accept it. Leave the hate and the bile ringing in their own ears. Let them taste their own bad medicine.