On Thursday, Oprah Winfrey's TV show was covering a phenomenon called "The Secret", which is fast taking over the world, and will soon be taking over Mars and Venus, radiating out. The book "The Secret" has recently been made into a DVD hosted by the reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith, who, in his day job runs the Agape community in California with his wife, Ricki Byers Beckwith of Charlotte.
The philosophy behind "The Secret" has been touched upon by others throughout the millennia, and has recently found its way into the works of Robert Fritz (a pioneer in the study of creativity and vision) and Peter Senge of "The Fifth Discipline" and "Metanoia" fame. I've had the good fortune of studying with both, and look forward to meeting Michael and Ricki, with whom I already feel a spiritual kinship.
One reason I am going to vote for John Edwards is that I can see that he too is keen on the power of creativity and vision, and is also willing to use these faculties in the service of humanity. By contrast, Dubya was only "clever" at helping himself...at the expense of humanity. We need a BIG change.