I had a long talk with my fair city of Charlotte, and she agrees. Tiger Woods should move to Charlotte. At least buy a house here. We got golf. Plenty of golf. And good golf! In fact the whole state has golf, just not in the counties that parade their illustrious hog waste lagoons. Mecklenburg is not one of those.
As a Charlottean, I'd like to congratulate Mister Woods on his fine victory, which happened to occur one year after his beloved father had made his way to deeper greens...which, incidentally was why he could not attend last year's Wachovia tournament.
So Tiger, I implore you. Put an anchor down here in this fair city and state. I swear you will not regret it. And if your bud, Michael Jordan has not yet seized an anchor, why not invite him too. In fact, you can invite Vijay, Phil and the other fine players to do the same. Surely you have the funds. And there are scores of wondrous estates from which to choose. Many within walking distance of the Quail Hollow club.
I think you will find, if you haven't already, that Charlotte's elites are good people, in the main. Practically as good as us common folk. They are also charitable and progressive, with a real sense of stewardship. Much like yourself, I should think.
Again, congratulations...to you and all the players. And thanks for bringing a little magic to Charlotte.
Tom Sorensen on Tiger Woods' victory.