Friday, February 29, 2008

Organic Love Dance Deemed Most Beautiful

Pilobolus: A performance merging dance and biology (video)
Otis Cook and Jennifer Macavinta perform the organic love dance, "Symbiosis."
The music, recorded by the Kronos Quartet on Nonesuch Records, is a compilation of works: "God Music" from Black Angels by George Crumb, "Fratres" by Arvo Pärt, and "Morango ... Almost a Tango" by Thomas Oboe Lee.

The flow and tenderness of the dance defies time and gravity -- something you'll never see of hear on prime time game shows with dime store dancing. Much freedom is given the dancers by the liberating music of Crumb, Part and Lee. Many dancers never seem to understand how restricting so much of popular music really is.

I hope you enjoy this. It is worth the wait.