Monday, April 05, 2004

Bill O'Reilly is Salvagable

Bill O'Reilly is Salvagable

Some people are paid to bullshit, and they will do just that as long as the checks keep coming in. But for some dumb reason, I think Bill O'Reilly may well become one of the first to jump ship, and start speaking the truth.

Don't ask me why I think this. It may be the medication. But I do think that Al Franken's tough love will have an effect on him, and he will begin to understand that it is indeed better for a bad person to become good than for a good person to simply remain good.

Just as members of Bush's own administration are beginning to jump ship before they wind up in a Watergate-like courtroom on the wrong side, so too are members of the punditocracy beginning to heed to words of John Dean, who, once again, is standing up to Goliath and warning us...this time in advance.

We all know this new millennium would have turned out more bright and peaceful under Gore. Bush kept up saddled to 20th century hatreds and warring and secrecies. This is not sunshine. This is Bushweather. BushWorld. And it is substandard. Probably criminal.

The Titanic is sinking, and thank heavens. We need to get back on a positive track, where we are friends of the world and earth. Not it's rapist.

Get out while you can. Help create the new sunshine. The bright new day. The world will love you for it. As will more than half of America.

Carpe millennium! (And do it right this time!)