Sunday, July 03, 2005

Which spice is best? Salt, pepper, mustard or ketchup?

I like all four spices. I've even heard there was another one out there somewhere...probably in China or something. But I am glad we have four spices in this country. A hotdog with pepper and salt would not be right. And ketchup on eggs, although done, is really not right.

Since Charlotte is the ketchup-consumption capital of America, I should loyally eat it at every occasion, but I do not. In fact I am almost sick of ketchup. Sorta like Oskar Matsarath getting sick of fish in "The Tin Drum".

From archaeoethnobotany, we learn that salt has caused the death of more civilizations than all wars combined. And yet, I still like it. It makes things taste salty.

And Dr. Lendon Smith said we should never eat black pepper, but alas, he died.

And mustard is in the Bible, so we have to eat it.

In conclusion, and in order the create that final paragraph that should be edited out, I want to say that four spices are good. We don't need any more, and if anyone tries to invent new ones, tell them to go to Heck.