Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Creative Loafing does Charlotte Bloggers

...and mentions ConvergeSouth. (Not the movie)

In this week's Creative Loafing, you can find out about blogging in Charlotte. At least it will get you started. One of the problems with paper, I suppose, is that it is finite. One reason to get a blog. Blogs are infinite.

If you don't know Creative Loafing, let me just say that they are the premiere alternative weekly in the Charlotte and Greater Davebeckwith County region, which is a part of the fiefdom of Anonymoses. Obvious, I know, but important, although not here.

Anyway, this, this Creative Loafing, this alternativity is, well, essential to Charlotte and Anonymoses, as well as thousands of other non-conformists in the uniformity of Charlottality.
And that they would devote the time and energy to figuring out this weblog weirdness is commendable, regardless of their patience. May they start a weekly column, and may they have me do it, and may they pay me large sums of money for doing it.

You may recognize some of the people discussed. Karen Shugart did a fine job with this primer. She even mentioned maybe more Charlotteans, or Charlatans, or Charlhestons for that matter, will get involved. For if they do, they will find that the blogosphere is actually the latest stage in social evolution, and that magazines can even benefit from partaking in the blogversation.

Some day, CL, as it's lovingly typed by lazy typers throughout the county, will seize the reins and become an essential part of this latest manifestation of democracy, because when it comes to that Schopenhauerian question: "Champagne or Freedom?, they opt for Freedom.

"Fries. And biggie-size it!", my corpulent amanuensis carked at the polyester semaphor with ears for orders. "And make it snappy!"

So yes. Make it snappy. Then make it a point to send representatives to ConvergeSouth in order to see and be seen. The future leaders of the world are gathering. And a few knuckleheads.

Blogs mentioned are these:

ace pryhill
converge south
charlotte capitalist
pam spaulding
tbo talks
save cms kids
dump cms
the 704
charlotte mommies

Thanks, Creative Loafing and Karen Shugart, for the complimentary and informative article.

(via Pryhills)