Life...or something like it
LOSLI has awarded this blog, anonyMoses, with BEST SOUTHERN BLOG.
(Very perceptive of them!)
Among the other winners are these gems:
Best Liberal:Eschaton
Best Moderate:The Moderate Voice
Best Video Blogging:Crooks and Liars
Best Humor Progressive:Jesus' General
Best Humor Conservative:Protein Wisdom
Best Progressive Reporting:Daily Kos
Best Conservative Reporting:Instapundit
Best Limericks:Mad Kane
Least likely to Put Cream in His Coffee / Pissed off Progressive: Rook's Rant
Best Californication: (Meant in a good way)Skippy the Bush Kangaroo
Best DC Blog:INDC Journal
Best Law Blog:Talk Left
Best American Flag Themed Posts:The Pirate's Cove
Best Semi-retired Blogger:Charlie from The Pusillanimous Wankers
Best Southern Woman's Blog:Iddybud
Best Snark:T-Bogg
Best Blogger Jess is Still Trying to Get:Ayn Clouter
Best at Finding Silly Sites of the Day:Pen-Elayne
Best Community:The American Street
Best Caption Contests:Rox Populi
Most Reminiscent of Hunter S. ThompsonBillmon
Best Jeff Gannon / James Guckert CoverageAmerica Blog
Best Blog to Make Jess Smile... Even When I Try Not TooTild
Best Maha BrahaThe Mahablog
What the F***k BlogWTF Is It Now?
Best Blogger Without a Blogroll (That I Can Find)Uggabugga