United Press International: Third Intifada launched in Gaza
I feel sorrow for the people of Israel who have to keep sacrificing their lives and well-being largely because of the policies (or lack thereof) of Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush. They are veritable terrorist incubators, rather than true peacemakers.
Peace is a treasure too subtle and rare to be appreciated by Mr. Sharon or Mr. Bush, and it should be more than obvious.
I'm reminded of a tale from childhood that goes:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...
...and one cannot help but wonder if Sharon's wall is not really just another Humpty Dumpty wall. He sadly is even beginning to resemble the good Mr. Dumpty.
But this is too flip for such a serious time as this.
The simplest answer is just to vote them out of office.
As Dag Hammerskjold once said: "Forgiveness breaks the chain of causality." Something like that. It is no longer acceptable that the rich and powerful can want to fight, but the poor and powerless are the one who, in every way, pay.
Can Palestinians keep their rage under control, and actually forgive?
Can Israelis?
Some problems are solved. Some are resolved. But some are simply dissolved.
Here's to a renaissance of conscience...that subtle organ that has been bred out of us. It may be necessary, but will certainly be a welcome addition to our jaded personalities.