Friday, March 05, 2004

Short Takes: News From All Over - Utne Reader

Short Takes: News From All Over (Articles) Staff

-US Plans to Move Military Bases From Saudi Arabia to Iraq
-Blogging While Anti-Black
-Appropriating the Internet for Global Activism
-The Hispanic Challenge
-The Web's Wildest Art Site?

The Web's Wildest Art Site?
Click on the little Pokemon monster and the screen switches to an odd assemblage of pipes that disappear one by one as your cursor touches them. Click on the oval radiator shapes and a black-and- white animated photo appears of a little girl clutching an odd teddy bear. Click on that and get a muscleman flexing...and on and on into the wild, interactive, and constantly altered art world of Ben Benjamin and his site, Superbad. It's surreal eye candy for the tireless mouse manipulator. -- JS