Thursday, July 15, 2004

But are we "better off" without those killed to remove Saddam?

:: But are we "better off" without those killed to remove Saddam?

Sure...America is better off without Saddam in power. Maybe. We shall see. The jury is still out, and thousands are still going to die...while Saddam still lives.

But is America better off without the thousands of soldiers, contractors, and innocents that have died in order to remove Saddam? I submit the answer is a resounding NO!

To have lost even one life in exchange for Saddam is too many. And yet Bush keeps hurling our boys and girls into the fire.

Time to fire Bush. He is a killer president...whose presidency is bogus and illegitimate. Do the math.

Another Bush term would spell the end of America. The world simply cannot sustain another blundering four years of this buffoon. Send him back to Crawford. There he can do little harm.