Thursday, February 24, 2005

It is not Luntz. It is the Enrons that hire him...

Daily Kos

Frank Luntz is the reason I yanked the cable from my house, and haven't paid Time Warner a penny since. You hear that Time-Warner? You hear that MSNBC?

During the vote count in 2000, MSNBC hired Enron's Frank Luntz to hold town meetings to "gauge" public opinion. Yeah, right! Gauge! You mean sway, don't you?

And sway he did!

He had "Florida Democrats" saying that Gore should just "move on" and "drop it". It's called begging the question. It's called partisanship posing as impartiality. It's called BushWorld.

Want to learn subtle ways to lie? Listen to Frank Luntz. Enron did.

He is just another Gannon. Someone to whom the MSM turn a blind eye.