Friday, February 11, 2005

This is rich...

Check this spelling I found on what Scientists call "the Internics":

Eg for i port i gaer a Florida og skemmti mer tvilikt vel.

You think that's bad? Check this!

Eg byrjadi a ad fara i hid fraega Wal-Mart i fyrsta sinn. Eg naestum tapadi mer. Tetta er huge og ekkert sma mikid haegt ad kaupa. Eg hefdi geta verid tarna i marga tima og bara skodad.
En tad er nu ekki gott ad sleppa mer lausri i svona bud - FULLT AF DOTI !

Not even close!

But then they keep trying...

Tad eina sem eg keypti var sukkuladi fyrir sukkuladibollana okkar i spainu.
Einu sinni i viku ta byr einhv. til nammibolla fyrir alla i spainu og tad var komid ad mer nuna.

Eftir Wal - Mart for eg og fekk mer morgunmat, tad eru jol hja mer ef ad eg fae gott ristad braud og tad er i bodi 2 sinnum i viku, tegar eg er a Florida.

And at least they get Tad, i, Mart, Florida and sukkuladibollana correct, although they did forget to capitalize the "i". Granted. That one's tough.

Practice! Practice! And don't let anyone call you names. But if they do, forgive them.
You'd break spellcheckers, but you can try.

Never rule out hiring an editor.