Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Bush's "means justifies the ends" Crusade

Bush's "means justifies the ends" Crusade

Every Christian knows, deep down, that Bush's policies are a far cry from what Jesus would do... has an enlightening take on the matter, in their article called, "Laughter of the Gods".

The more I look at the chaotic mess George W. Bush is making in every blessed corner of the world, the more I am inclined to take a closer look at the God in whose name he claims to be making it.

Just who IS this God that chats up brazen hypocrites and zealots in our midst -- whipping them into a frenzy of pharisaic attempts to strangle democracy at home and abroad? This awesome creature is on a murderous rampage in the Middle East, Africa, South America and -- as Donald Rumsfeld would say -- east, west, north and south somewhat. Armed and jackbooted, Bush's flinty-hearted Diety bears no resemblance to the compassionate and forgiving God in whom Christians have put their faith for more than two millenia.

More and more innocents are being herded onto the world's killing fields by the deliberate actions of a Christian nation -- in the name of its Christian God. What blasphemy! If Christians are unable to recognize the difference between good and evil; if they cannot see that those we crush under our heel are also God's creation -- then all those hours spent in Sunday School, church services, summer camp and "all day singing and dinner on the grounds" picnics were a sorry waste of time. The nature of a man is revealed by the company he keeps. Those who preach that maiming and killing terrified men, women and children is "God's will" -- who cover up the slaughter of their own citizens and who topple other regimes by force or farce -- are evil men who cavort with evil gods. And every single Christian in this country knows it.