Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Where is Martin Luther Queen?

Where is Martin Luther Queen?

When will a powerful voice among the Gay community step forward and seize the moment and microphone...and rally those who are NOT Gay to rally to the cause of their diminishing civil liberties? What made ML King great was not that he could rally his own...which he did in great number. He was able to rally non-blacks to his cause.

Everyone knows or is related to a Gay person, if not several. And most people probably feel that they deserve to have the same rights as everybody else. What is needed is a good articulator, and one who can bring supporters out of the shadows. Just as with the blacks during King's time, there are still those who, for whatever reason, are embarrassed or ashamed to be seen in a group of Gay people...perhaps for fear that they will be considered Gay themselves.

There is a time for flambouyance, but there is also a time for the wearing of standardwear...you know..jeans and tee-shirts.

Where is Martin Luther Queen? It is time to come forward and state your case. This is the election that, for good or ill, has landed on your doorstep. Remember King's nobility, and approach the mike. Your time is now.

Must we wait until you have your "I've got a speech" dream?