Thursday, March 11, 2004

BushWorld Too Unstable for Market Strength

Yahoo! News - Stocks Slump on Security Fears

Bill Clinton was a good man. Still is. And frankly, so is George W. Bush. He darned well better be. He has a wondrous soul who has trusted him with her charms. He darned well better be a good man. And I'd suggest that if he isn't...maybe he should ask her what it's all about.

One thing it's not about is posturing. It is about standing up to those whose morals are questionable at best, but who, nevertheless, persist in saddling you with basically self-serving demands and requests, which you, and every other decent person know could be much better served elsewhere.

Yes, Bill Clinton was a good man, and still is. And the world, at least, knew or sensed this. And the world became more peaceful, and ironically, secure, because of the understanding that he would likelier help you than want to bomb you.

Some people will try to pretend that the economy is all fine and good under Bush's, er, gaze. But I ask you. For whom?

Sure, a handful of investors, military contractors, bomb manufacturers, flu vaccine, antidote, sex enhancing drug manufacturers and such have done quite well, thank you. But ask the average American. Moreover, ask everyone else in the world.

To fix the economy, we need to send a signal to the world, and to average Americans, that help is on the way. Real help this time. Not help in the form of a moribund economy. Not in the form of Shock and Awe and other environmental hazards. Not in the form of a secret Business Government whose goal is "Big Cookie", but whose means is raiding the cookie jar.

Democrats have proven that they can better be trusted with the common well, and the common wealth.

America can be a generator of healing. Healing ourselves and the world on many levels, none of which entail surgical strikes or Shock and Awe.

Help is on the way. If Bush were a good man, he would step out of the way.

Please. You cried when you left Crawford.

Be happy. Go home.