George W. Bush: Less than Zero
It fascinates me to consider how stupid those who voted for Dubya must feel, after 3 years of innanely stupid moves, pussilanimous hiding, staged speeches, faltering jobs, diminishing respect, ecological abuse, financial plunder, and lie after lie of this mere puppet of a man, whom Laura is probably embarrassed to call husband. Less, indeed, than zero.
Do I sound harsh? Well, listen to the 24/7 tripe spewing from the radios, and tell me it is somehow unique. One tries to carry on a gentlemanly conversation, but there is just so much vitriol. What is one to do? Roll over and play dumb?
Is it that George can get away with anything but a sexual liasson?
What if a blue dress were to appear, with Bush's, er, excitement, upon it? Would that signal the end of Bush? An impeachment...led by freepers? Or would that too be ignored, glossed over, like Arnold's gropings?
Who are the hypocrites?
I think you know...