Saturday, January 15, 2005

Triangle Bloggers Conference, Chapel Hill, NC

On Saturday, February 12th, North Carolina is the place to be. Specifically, Chapel Hill, NC. And more specifically, The University of North Carolina. Murphey Hall. Room 116.
...for this is where the Triangle Blogger Conference is to transpire.

Allow Mister Sugar to tell you more about it...

Triangle Bloggercon grows

The word is out: Dave Winer mentioned the conference on his popular Scripting News, our local cable company posted news about the conference on its new local bloggers directory, and Cory Doctorow has even posted to Boing Boing.
We’re up to 61 expected participants for the
Triangle Bloggers Conference, which means I’ve got to start looking for a backup location knowing we’ll be growing (the j-school’s conference room holds about 60). Looks like we’ve got at least one New Yorker coming, and my buddy John Ettorre will be driving down from Cleveland. (Hope Jack can join him.) Oh, and Dan Gillmor will be here, too.

UPDATE: Paul has arranged for Murphey Hall 116. I’ll post new directions to the conference wiki. Shortcut is
The idea for a bloggercon in Chapel Hill was to give us North Carolina bloggers a physical forum to discuss some of the exciting issues, trends and activities happening on and between our blogs – blogs and journalism, and blogs and politics in Greensboro (read
Ed Cone), online communities (Paul Jones teaches an excellent seminar each fall at the UNC-CH j-school), blogs and local governance (Orange Politics), podcasting (Audio Activism among others), and numerous attempts to aggregate the very active bloggers in our state (see the wiki page for the conference intersession).